modif yamaha jupiter mx 135lc abepura
no Menenk and two brothers Rizal origin Abepura, Papua, including reckless. With the capital only online on the phone aja dared to do a project they believed that his city will make a scene. Purchases of motor unit and a transfer fee MODIF, also based on reports submitted only the modifier. Next?
"But we are not directly familiar with the Fund. But, see the Fund's existence as a modifier of positive thinking I was alone," said Bro familiarly called Ino Menenk which also diamini-jombang_candra02.jpg Rizal.4994mx
It is believed as the creator of their dreams is the Fund GDZH Prasetya of Custom in Jombang, East Java. Because of this long distance relationship, would be intense communication between them. Online is an obligation for every day. One could even compare people who relented-again courtship between their phone each other. Online ... online ....
"After many times we talked, it was agreed that the flow of modifications that will be done based on types of motor sports is big," said Dana.
Many references about the motor gede hunted. At this time MODIF modifier is trying to apply a crew cut style of the MX 135LC moge the genre that in fact a duck. But Dana is not interested in doing the process transexual.
4995mx-jombang_candra03.jpgArtinya because of its very nature a duck, it must be fixed with WEH WEH form. If the style's okay to imitate moge. That is the principle. The reason that fits with current conditions. Remember if you change the motor type, could be getting a ticket lho under the Law. 22 in 2009. Because if you change the type of duck to the sport, it shall conduct type test or a road-worthy in the department of transportation or the police. That word's laws.
Cover the entire body of congenital MX is no longer in use. Except for the middle deck is still maintained. Understandable because they want to maintain the shape of a duck. Instead of select fiber bodywork. Although not a fiber-mania, but for this bike he preferred fiber. The reason is fear of the motor becomes too heavy if you wear plate.
Fiber-making process in the form of thin sheets printed. "Gazette was then a small cut and then pasted little by little to form a pattern," he explained.
After the successful pattern established, then the printing process actually performed. Bodywork design work of these funds are not specific like a certain type moge. "This design is purely my creation and imagination," he added.
If observed in detail, it is only the front that could be said had been turned into like a moge.
That's because the head lamp was moved to the front chest. No half head lamp which is applied GSX600 Suzuki's original pick.
"Besides I'll be more macho look, the motor mainly apply MX-600 GSX head lamp is also still rare. Hence, the uniqueness of this bike is located in front of the sector," said the owner of the shop on Jl. Governor Suryo IVB/17, Jombang.
After this photo shoot, direct motor which had immediately sent to Papua. Of course, both Ino Menenk and Rizal can not wait to get membesutnya. Evidence that project via phone MODIF could also be cool. The important thing is mutual trust. Nih lessons for other modifier.
Front tire: 120/70-17 Metzeler
Rear tire: 150/60-17 Dunlop
Airs: YSS
Tachometers: Koso
GDZH: (0321) 860040