MODIFIKASI Yamaha Mio 2008

Virus West Central Java Style streetfighter style or tease WJS Itox who lived in Kolaka, North Sulawesi. Itox who were there this KTP modif to tell who's cage Banyumas modifier of WJS.
This means Banyumas has become the center of modifications which have strong characteristics, and reference modification Motherland. "Right, so I work on with all my soul. Both the construction and finishing. Moreover Itok want his motorcycle had a strong concept, I love Transformers proposal, "opening Siswo Winoto from Win's Paddock (WP), which grow naturally in the universe modification of Indonesia.
In view of physical shape, a rectangle and the full curve of the body are characteristic of a true Transformers. "However, WJS characteristic form of tail accidentally find a minimalist," explained builder who ngendon on Jl. Of Sunan Ampel, Pabuaran, Purwokerto this
Short tail, eh Banyumasan builder's characteristics that put forward a simple accent to the tail of mostly single sitter. However, the modifier is affectionately greeted Wiwin accidentally double love seat concept sitter. In order to use the luggage rack. But, will find the tight feel of the body behind the taper. So the impression cropped tail was still so pronounced. The difference in the seat of deliberately contrived paseenger riseand Honda light application of CS-1 is compressed more and make the back look fantastic accent.
Fiberworks indeed be a crucial thing, let alone intentionally Wiwin love the shape and texture to the entire body. "For all that, working requires a long time, about two months. Because, I want to perfect form on the detail of the body, "said this humorous man.
Examples of the headlights that have forehead kind of fish. Lights deliberately contrived as if to impress on muscular body. Includes side-bloated body.
Front tire: 110/70-14 Swallow
Rear tire: 140/60-14 Swallow
Rim: Rotora
Airs next: Trusty
Handlebar: X-1
WP: 0815-4888-6755