PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) menaikan haraga motoro yamaha the prices would increase the motor of the many consumers purchased. Yes .. that is waiting for the motor, such as V ixion, New Mio Mio Soul and of course this news is less exciting. But for those who will buy other than the motor is not to increase prices. Law applies to market products that demand high certainty, followed by a price increase.
Take between 200 rb 300 rb s.d
As the price of V Ixion known that in December 2008 Rp. 19.4 million increase to Rp. 19.7 million in January 2009 or have increased 300 rb. New Mio that Rp. Jt 11,885 to Rp. 12,085 million have increased 200 thousand Mio Soul and the original 12.8 to Rp. 13 million have increased 200 thousand. Prices are OTR for Jakarta and its surrounding area that I get from Yefta Sejati Utama PT Dialer Yamaha Bekasi.
Indent Yamaha V Ixion is not too long
If the month of August 08 to get the motor V Ixion indent the credit around sebulanan, but on December 08 this does not happen even sunday only 1 order of credit can be obtained. But others will buy in cash if possible take longer, as has become a secret purchase via leasing is preferred.
As I also get a natural motor V Ixion code 150 V FZ black only take 1 indent sunday. That time my message on 21 December 2008 the lapse of 6 days precisely on 27 December 2008 already have the goods, but I did not want to receive some reason, among others:
* If I receive is the motor maturity repayments will be calculated at the time by leasing motor received course date burdensome because the end of the month.
* Only the year of purchase that if I received in December of course only a few days have been changed years. New motor, so use a few days already kesannya such as one year.
Happens I receive the order dated 7 January 2009, but already the new price. So just because the 4 days I have to remove rp. 300 rb. Unfortunately like the ad that the price increase can be subject to change without notice. Yes .. ach ketiban is easy way to do smth deh ...
Take between 200 rb 300 rb s.d
As the price of V Ixion known that in December 2008 Rp. 19.4 million increase to Rp. 19.7 million in January 2009 or have increased 300 rb. New Mio that Rp. Jt 11,885 to Rp. 12,085 million have increased 200 thousand Mio Soul and the original 12.8 to Rp. 13 million have increased 200 thousand. Prices are OTR for Jakarta and its surrounding area that I get from Yefta Sejati Utama PT Dialer Yamaha Bekasi.
Indent Yamaha V Ixion is not too long
If the month of August 08 to get the motor V Ixion indent the credit around sebulanan, but on December 08 this does not happen even sunday only 1 order of credit can be obtained. But others will buy in cash if possible take longer, as has become a secret purchase via leasing is preferred.
As I also get a natural motor V Ixion code 150 V FZ black only take 1 indent sunday. That time my message on 21 December 2008 the lapse of 6 days precisely on 27 December 2008 already have the goods, but I did not want to receive some reason, among others:
* If I receive is the motor maturity repayments will be calculated at the time by leasing motor received course date burdensome because the end of the month.
* Only the year of purchase that if I received in December of course only a few days have been changed years. New motor, so use a few days already kesannya such as one year.
Happens I receive the order dated 7 January 2009, but already the new price. So just because the 4 days I have to remove rp. 300 rb. Unfortunately like the ad that the price increase can be subject to change without notice. Yes .. ach ketiban is easy way to do smth deh ...